During a skiing day with my friend Jennie and her friend Tomas, Jennie said: “you are very much alike, you need the excitement to get your serotonin levels going. I have another friend” she continued ” who’s girlfriend tells him to go bungee...
Fly / hike / climb / swim / hike / fly / adventure trip! This trip is for the inexperienced but willing adventurer! Sort of a try out trip. May 9-16 2015 We will start the trip in Ölüdeniz, a town on with beautiful beaches and surroundings, about one and a half hour...
November normally offers more snow, but on this beautiful winter day, me and my friends Love, John and Mauritz hiked up to the summit of Åreskutan 1420 masl, and flew down. Paragliding as it should be 🙂 Here’s a YouTube clip from the day....
There is something more rewarding doing sports after having to fight for it. Alpinists hiking up and skiing down know of this already. Within paragliding we call it hike’n fly – hike up the mountain and fly down. Today me and two of my friends hiked up one...
First day in Ödüleniz, Turkey, and two weeks of paragliding and hiking started. When the clouds had cleared we got a flight from Babadag’s 1600 meter start. 200 altitude meters later X flew out over an azur blue ocean with 20 minutes to play with before...
Today the summer started (for me) here in Åre with two nice flights from Hummeln down to Draklanda. Heading up the mountain at 6.15 PM when the sun had already been up for 3 hours and watching it rise over the mountains is a fantastic sight. However the clouds was...