Vegan and glutenfree oat cookies

Vegan and glutenfree oat cookies

Recipe for vegan and glutenfree Oat cookies Here is a first attempt on a “small dry cookie” as they say down south. The recipe will surely be improved, I already feel that raisins or chocolate drops would be great to try. If you try it first, please let me...
Skitouring on Getryggen with Helags and Sylarna

Skitouring on Getryggen with Helags and Sylarna

Pictures from a skitouring day at Storulvån in Åre Some photos från a skitouring day at Getryggen (Goatback mountain) next to Storulvåns (Big wolf river) mountain station that I and my friend Christoffer did in 2017. The amazing light made the snow go in shades of...
Back country skiing to Helgesjön

Back country skiing to Helgesjön

Magical December light in Åre A year ago me and my Husky Elvis went for a back country skiing day from the back of our house. Only 3 kilometers from our house is the lake Helgesjön and on this cold winterday the December light shone with its magical power on the snow...
Vegan and gluten-free chocolate cake

Vegan and gluten-free chocolate cake

Recipe for vegan and gluten-free mushy chocolate cake Here is a recipe based on my good friend Adrien’s cake recipe. The base is banana and it is wonderfully good. I like my chocolate salty so it may not suit all tastes, but in that case only use less salt. The...
Ended fasting again

Ended fasting again

24-hour fasting revisited Then I've finished my second period of 24-hour fasting. For those who are new here, this means eating once a day, preferably for an hour. However, I have eaten for between 1-3 hours once a day, usually between six and nine. You can read...
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