During a skiing day with my friend Jennie and her friend Tomas, Jennie said: “you are very much alike, you need the excitement to get your serotonin levels going. I have another friend” she continued ” who’s girlfriend tells him to go bungee jumping when he gets too anxious around the house”.

Sunset Paragliding from Åreskutan
This is exactly how I feel when I sit down too much, don’t get out and do exciting stuff. Earlier in my life I could get my kicks from my work, but sometimes I felt I had to go running just to get relaxed. Now after a fortnight with a runny nose, my legs feel like thew want to glide out of the seat and get going… so I went winter camping, running and then paragliding.
Now my body want’s more – excitement junkie?
Now I got the itches again. Food, then some work, then cross coutry skiing before dinner and yoga!