Last day of kiting
Some photos while waiting for wind
But hey, who did I accidentally shoot… who’s got the coolest trainer!
Got up late and went straight to the beach. The wind was slow but picking up and the guy who had the slot before me gets my first hour. He has been coming here for three months but never had any luck with the wind (not today either as it happens…). The Kite Beach is packed today too and people seem to have little to no respect for the crashing kites and sharp lines. We even saw one guy get tangled in the lines from a crashing kite and that can be really dangerous.
90 minutes late the wind is strong enough to start warming up with the kite and after fifteen minutes of repetition on the beach it’s time to go in the water and practice body dragging. When you loose your board you need to be able to move in the water with just your body as resistance, hence “body dragging”.
Charlene helps me the first time and hangs on my back as we flow through the waves. After turning it’s time to do it alone. At first it goes well and it is really fun to feel the power of the wind pulling you through the water, but the wind is elusive and not strong enough for a beginner like me so when I’m turning the kite to go back to the beach the kite falls in the water and I get dragged for real. The idea then is to swim towards the kite, not away because then it catches wind and drags you instead. It takes me a while to understand this, but when I do, Charlene’s hand signals make sense too…
Well, it takes a more experienced kite surfer than me to do something in this wind so we call it a day. I get my almost-done license and hope for better wind tomorrow since Charlene promises she will come even though it’s Sunday and her day off.
Ravi Darbar and cheap shopping
We decided to have our dinner at Ravi Darbar Restaurant, highly recommended by Indians for their Indian food (we later learn that the restaurant is Pakistani). The food is really good and cost nearly nothing. You will find it next to Bur Juman metro station. Across the street we found a shop with just about everything for virtually nothing. Just the view in the mirrors in the staircase is amazing. Andreas tried on a jacket (he did not buy) for 9 AED, and I came back later to buy 18 socks for 20 AED… normal priced!
Sensation Club at Crown Plaza Hotel
The night ended at Sensation Club. Saturday is not the biggest party day, so the crowd was small, local/tourist mix with great music. A table is 1500 AED to drink for (lots of Club Soda) and Grey Goose seems to be the preferred alcohol. Check out their website if interested, because they have special nights and you might need to come as a couple. Especially Persian Wednesdays are packed.