I decided to finish my IKO certificate in Fuerteventura, one of the Canary Islands. Reason: ticket 500 SEK roundtrip and Fuerteventura claims to have 290 days of good wind so hopefully we (my good friend Tobbe and I) will learn kiting this fortnight.


DSC_0045DSC_0042The real beaches are located out of the town, here there is more old corral than sand

Fuerteventura was not as warm as I expected, but 21C is still a lot warmer than minus 10C when we left Sweden. To get to Correlejo in the north you have to take a taxi (€50) or a taxi to the city center and then a bus, or hitch a ride with one of the tour operators (€25 round trip). More about Correlejo when we have seen the town.

We headed out to get lunch and then to check out a surf school, but in the street Tobbe saw a couple off-loading a car with a kite surf sticker so we asked them if they could help us with the surfing issue, and the guy was an instrucor with a bad shoulder, but he helped us to call a friend who has a kite surf school and we arranged to meet up tomorrow. The guy also had some kites to sell and hopefully I can make a good deal (if you read this I hope we both do). They also had an apartement to let for our second week.

Late lunch at the beach was a not so good paella, and then we headed out to practice some beach kiting in the sunset!

DSC_0132 DSC_0094 DSC_0082 DSC_0066 DSC_0208Do not leave your bag close to the water when the tide is coming in


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